Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You're how old?

Yesterday was my birthday! I am happy with my age, 62, and can't believe I've made it this far. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about it, very happy about it. But I feel like I'm still looking out of 20 year old eyes and I'm always surprised when I look in the mirror and see the older me (AND more of me). But I accept myself just the way I am. I learned a long time ago that you make your own happiness and as my mother always said "If you're not happy, it's your own fault." These are words I've always lived by.

My brother, Dewey, with our mother, Alice, at our sister,
Nina's recent wedding.
My mother is now 84 and still a kick-in-pants. She has dementia, remembers our names, sometimes can't remember which name actually goes with which person. But her sense of humor has not diminished. She loves all babies and will ask any parent "How much for the kid?" When we go out we have to watch her like a hawk. One time a hostess directed us to a table by saying "Take any seat you'd like." My mother reached over, grabbed her butt, and said "Is this seat taken?"  Luckily the young woman must have liked (and understood about) little old ladies because she brushed off my apology with a quick, "don't worry about it."

My daughter, her family and I, took her to lunch for her birthday. It was a great surprise party for her. She just kept being surprised every time we told her it was her birthday. I gave her a gift in a gift bag and she kept finding it, opening it, and being surprised what was inside. We had a great time and although she doesn't remember, her great-grand children do. They are making the memories for her. While somewhat dismayed about the repeated questions that they've just answered, they answer again and again with a smile.

And great-grandma Alice just keeps smiling.

1 comment:

  1. Am I too late to wish you Happy Birthday?

    Ok. Here goes my theory about birthdays. If we start of celebrating our birthdays on a specific day and someone who turns 100 gets to take an entire year to celebrate, doesn't that mean you deserve more than a day to celebrate? I won't say how many days you deserve, but I'm thinking at least a half a year you deserve time to celebrate "your" birthday. Yeap. Lunches, movies, dinners, special things....it is good to celebrate your Birthday window, not just a day.


    PS - I'm celebrating your Birthday window, so that I'm not late in wishing you Happy BirthDAY!
    Keep on celebrating!

    Great post too!
