Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Another Jonas Brother’s concert ! ?

Yes, as I told the person that asked that question. My granddaughter loves Nick Jonas and I love her. As long as she still wants to go places with me, and I am able, we will go places and do things. We always have a good time and I do like to hear them. The music is loud, like all concerts, but at least you can understand the lyrics and they are clean.

Grandchildren and grandparents have a special bond. I know I don’t have to explain it to other grandparents. They already know it. When grandchildren are small, you get to hug and kiss on them all you want. Usually. As they grow older, not so much with the hugging and kissing but they are developing into real people. They have opinions. Many of them are very well thought out. If you are lucky, they like to talk to you and tell you things and ask questions. Some questions that don’t have answers are the most interesting. Sometimes they don’t want answers, they just want to know what you know, or don’t know, as the case may be. Many times I have thought, "you know that?" They can be full of surprises

Going places, having conversations, playing games, just hanging out, all good ways to keep in contact with your grandchildren. Let them know you love them and are there for them. All kids need others in their lives that they can depend on, that will love them unconditionally. I have that with my grandchildren.

Oh, and note to self . . . be sure to bring earplugs!

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